Writing posts

19 Jun 2015 . tech . Comments

Creating a new post

Run the ./bin/new_post.rb script with the file name of the post as an argument:

ruby ./bin/new_post.rb hello-world

A a new post template with name YYYY-MM-DD-hello-world.md will be created under _posts, with the current date.

In the created post, just replace the Title, Category and tags and you can start writing your post in markdown right bellow the end of the post header.

Every file with the format YYYY-MM-DD-post-title.md will be processed as a post, with publication date YYYY-MM-DD.

The content starts with:

layout: post
section-type: post
has-comments: true
title: Title
category: Category
tags: [ "tag1", "tag2" ]

The layout and section-type variables are used by the theme and you shouldn’t remove them.


Jekyll generates a static pages. As a result we have to create the tag pages before building and publishing the site. In order to generate the tag pages, simply run the generate-tags script from the repo’s root directory:

ruby ./bin/generate_tags.rb

The script will parse all your posts, and generate the tag pages for the newly added tags.


You can organize your posts under categories. Categories are behaving like hashtags, they have to be generated offline, by running the ./bin/generate_categories.rb script.

The category of the post is specified in the yaml header, in the Category variable.

Syntax highlighting

If you want to demonstrate source code in your posts, syntax highlighting is provided, using the Everforest Dark theme. If you want to see how to render your code with the highlight, simply check the source code of this tutorial post.

int main()
  printf("Hello, world of syntax highlighting!");

  return 0;

If you don’t need syntax highlight in your website you can disable it by setting the syntax-highlight variable to False.

Author Blurb

You can add a short description of yourself bellow your posts, by setting the next two variables in the site config

  "John Smith is an awesome person. He lives in Flatland, where he works on
  two-dimensional engineering projects. In his spare time, John likes to eat
  cotton candy."
author_blurb_image: "/img/author.png"


John Smith is an awesome person. He lives in Flatland, where he works on two-dimensional engineering projects. In his spare time, John likes to eat cotton candy.