Adding a life event in the Timeline

12 Jun 2015 . tech . Comments

One of the distinctive features of { Personal } is that enables you to tell your life’s story in the form of a timeline of photos, dates and text descriptions.

The Timeline is controlled by the following variables:

  - image: "/img/timeline/spidertocat.png"
    date: "September 2013 - Today"
    description: "Saving the neighborhood!"
  - image: "/img/timeline/baracktocat.jpg"
    date: "September 2007 - August 2013"
    description: "Started coding"

# First image of the Timeline
timeline-img: "/img/timeline/default.png"

For each event of your life, add a tuple of image, date and description to the events, and the timeline will be automatically generated!

The timeline-img path variable is the image that you want to show up in the beginning of your Timeline, so be creative with it!


John Smith is an awesome person. He lives in Flatland, where he works on two-dimensional engineering projects. In his spare time, John likes to eat cotton candy.